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Redberry Bootcamp Is Back: Things To Consider Before Applying

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As a software agency working on international projects, we’ve often faced the challenge of sourcing developers with skills that meet international standards. In response, we’ve decided to create a 4-month-long intensive Bootcamp program to educate aspiring developers and equip them with the skills they need for a successful career in software development. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for them to join our team and work with us on international projects. 

So far, 90 people have already graduated from our Bootcamp program. About 85% of them are successfully employed as mid/junior-level developers, and 33 of them are part of the Redberry team.

How Does This Bootcamp Really Work?


Redberry’s Bootcamp is an extensive program that focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of learning. To help participants fully understand the technology we use, we support theoretical teachings with premium courses and prepare presentations and workshops. Throughout the process, experienced mentors and software developers guide participants at every step and provide additional resources.

Each theoretical course involves hands-on practical assignments. Participants also work on several mini-projects during the course and for the final task, they are required to independently build a complex application. To make sure they write clean and high-quality code, our mentors review each pull request and give them instructions on the ways to make the code better and more optimized.

Our program also includes daily standup meetings led by our mentors to answer any questions the participants might have and make sure they understand all the covered subjects. 

So, by the end of the program, the participants will gain the skills to work both independently as well as collaboratively in teams. And what’s most important, they will already have a reasonably enriched portfolio under their belt.


For those interested in joining our Bootcamp, we have just a few requirements:

  • Proficiency in English (Level B2 or higher)
  • Full-time availability
  • Basic knowledge of programming languages, including HTML/CSS/Javascript.

Recruitment Stages Overview

  • Filter. We start the process by carefully screening applications, prioritizing a minimum English proficiency of B2 and full-time availability. This ensures that our candidates meet the basic requirements for a successful collaboration.
  • Technical assignment. If the candidate passes the initial screening successfully, they’ll receive an invitation for an assignment introduction call. We provide all the necessary resources and guides to support candidates in completing the project successfully. Note: The project might seem challenging at first, but there will be enough time for research.
  • Technical Interview. Candidates with top-rated assignments receive invitations to the final stage – the technical interview. This phase is conducted partly in English and has two purposes. First, to evaluate their spoken language proficiency, assess their core programming knowledge and showcase candidates’ practical skills and problem-solving abilities by engaging in a live coding session.

Wondering about the scope of our Bootcamp? We’ve included the program’s syllabus below so you can go through all the subjects and tasks covered over the four months.

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Git basics, main commands, working with github

Managing working environment

Php principles, main syntax

Working with problems, data algorithms

Devtalks and Global Presentations:

Git semantic commits

Arrays, Objects and Collections in php.

Pull Requests

Assignment 0 – Hello World Laravel

Watch course videos

Write code according to the videos

Commit and push every completed work on Git after each video

Regular code review with our mentor

Lectures held by mentors

Assignment I – Project: Movie Quotes

During the course and project, you will learn the following:

The basics:

How a Route Loads a View

Introduction to MVC

Include CSS and JavaScript

Make a Route and Link to it

Route Wildcard Constraints

Use Caching for Expensive Operations

Use the Filesystem Class to Read a Directory

Collection Sorting and Caching Refresher


Blade: The Absolute Basics

Blade Layouts Two Ways

A Few Tweaks and Considerations

Working with databases:

Environment Files and Database Connections

Migrations: The Absolute Basics

Eloquent and the Active Record Pattern

Make a Model and Migration

Eloquent Updates and HTML Escaping

3 Ways to Mitigate Mass Assignment Vulnerabilities

Route Model Binding

First Eloquent Relationship

Clockwork, and the N+1 Problem

Database Seeding

Eager Load Relationships on an Existing Model

Searching and Filtering in Laravel:

Search and Filter Queries

Advanced Eloquent Query Constraints

Forms and Authentication:

Build a Register User Page

Automatic Password Hashing With Mutators

Failed Validation and Old Input Data

Show a Success Flash Message

Login and Logout

Admin Panel:

Limit Access to Only Admins

Validate and Store data

Laravel Crud operations

Devtalks and Global Presentations:

Laravel Directory Structure

Database structures

Artisan commands

Tailwind UI

PHP Cs Fixer & Translations in Laravel

Laravel Routing

Spatie/laravel-translatable & Laravel Localization

CRUD operations in Laravel

How to deploy a laravel app on server

Video course on Vue.JS

Watch the course

Writing the code according to the videos

Lectures held by mentors

Assignment II – Project: Quiz it up! (Quiz writing application)

During the course and project, you will learn the following:

Vue js Basics:

What is vue.js

Creating and Connecting Vue App Instances

Interpolation and Data Binding

Binding Attributes with the "v-bind" Directive

Understanding "methods" in Vue Apps

Events & Methods

Data Binding + Event Binding

Computed Properties


Dynamic Styling with Inline Styles

Rendering Conditional Content & Lists:

Rendering Content Conditionally

v-if, v-else and v-else-if

Rendering Lists of Data

Lists & Keys

Vue Components:

Component Basics - Global vs Local Components


Validating props

Emitting custom events

Defining & Validating Custom Events

Slots - named slots, slot styles and compilation, scoped slots

Dynamic Components

Teleporting Elements

Working With Fragments


v-model & Inputs

Working with v-model Modifiers and Numbers

Form Validation

Sending Http Requests:

How To (Not) Send Http Requests

Sending a POST Request to Store Data

Http Requests & Http Methods

Axios and fetch()

Getting Data (GET Request) & Transforming Response Data

Loading Data When a Component Mounts

Handling Technical / Browser-side Errors

Handling Error Responses


What is Routing

Registering & Rendering Routes

Navigating with router-link

Styling Active Links

Programmatic Navigation

Passing Data with Route Params (Dynamic Segments)

Navigation & Dynamic Paths

Nested Routes

Animations and Transitions


Creating & Using a Store

Passing Data to Mutations with Payloads

Running Async Code with Actions

Using Mapper Helpers

Namespacing Modules

Optimizing & Deploying Vue Apps:

Building the Project For Production

Deploying a Vue App

Using Laravel Nova Admin Panel

Auth with laravel:

Making post requests for storing data

Laravel Mail Services

Register routes

Login Routes

Reset password

Devtalks and Global Presentations:

Deploy Vue.js applications on server

Vue i18n

Form Requests

Laravel Testing

Laravel - Basic Relations, Using Factories with Relations & Seeders

Write and present group project

During this week, bootcampers will work together as a team. The main idea of this project is learning how to be a team member, how to manage time and tasks, and get ready for the real projects.

Assignment III – Project Movie Quotes #2

During the project you will learn:


Forms validation with Vee-Validate

CSRF & XSS protection

Cashing methodsUnit & Feature tests, Code Coverage

Webpack & Laravel Mix

Laravel Mail services

Laravel Queues

Laravel Jobs

Laravel Enums

Laravel services and Actions

Using Vue.js composables

State And State Management With Pinia

What is Nginx

What is PHP-FPM

CI / CD Pipeline

Writing tests with Laravel Pest

OAuth authentication with laravel sanctum

Writing tests with Vue.js and Cypress


Global presentations and devtalks:

Vee Validate


Jobs, Enums, Actions, Services

CI/CD pipelines

Meet the authors

We are a 200+ people agency and provide product design, software development, and creative growth marketing services to companies ranging from fresh startups to established enterprises. Our work has earned us 100+ international awards, partnerships with Laravel, Vue, Meta, and Google, and the title of Georgia’s agency of the year in 2019 and 2021.

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