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Laravel New Features: Latest Updates from Laracon US

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We had the pleasure of attending Laracon US this year, and we were blown away by the ambitious projects that Taylor Otwell and the Laravel core team have introduced. It’s always exciting to see the innovation happening in the Laravel ecosystem, and we can’t resist to spread a word among our fellow Laravel developers about some cool new updates.

One announcement that really stood out to us was the introduction of some exciting new open-source features for the Laravel Framework. After taking some time to let it all sink in, we’re ready to share our thoughts here with you. Here we go!

Laravel new features

New Defer Function

Ever wished your application could respond faster? The new defer() function lets you postpone certain tasks until after the user receives the response. This keeps your app feeling lightning-quick!

How It Works

You can use defer() to delay functions that don't need to run immediately. For example, reporting metrics or sending emails.

use App\Services\Metrics;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use function Illuminate\Support\defer;

Route::post('/orders', function (Request $request) {
    // Process the order...
    $order = Order::create($request->all());

    // Defer the metrics reporting
    defer(fn () => Metrics::reportOrder($order));

    return response()->json($order);

In this example, the user gets their order confirmation without waiting for the metrics to be reported. Neat, right?

Smarter Caching 🧠

Caching can be tricky, especially when cached data expires, and users experience delays. The new Cache::flexible method introduces a smart solution by serving cached data while refreshing it in the background.

How It Works

The flexible method accepts an array with two values:

  • Fresh period: How long the cache is considered fresh.

  • Stale period: How long stale data can be served.

$value = Cache::flexible('users', [300, 600], function () {

    return DB::table('users')->get();

  • For the first 5 minutes (300 seconds), the data is fresh.

  • Between 5 and 10 minutes, stale data is served, and the cache refreshes in the background.

  • After 10 minutes, new data is fetched immediately.

This keeps your app responsive while ensuring data is up-to-date.

New Concurrency Facade ⏱️

Need to run multiple tasks at the same time? The new Concurrency facade lets you execute closures concurrently, boosting your app's performance. It's like having multiple hands to get the job done

Running Concurrent Tasks

Here's how you can run tasks concurrently:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Concurrency;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

[$userCount, $orderCount] = Concurrency::run([

    fn () => DB::table('users')->count(),

    fn () => DB::table('orders')->count(),


Both tasks run simultaneously, reducing the total execution time.

Deferring Concurrent Tasks

You can also defer concurrent tasks to run after the response is sent:

use App\Services\Metrics;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Concurrency;


    fn () => Metrics::report('users'),

    fn () => Metrics::report('orders'),


This is perfect for tasks that don't need to complete before the user gets a response.

Temporary URLs with Local Filesystem

Good news! You can now generate temporary, signed URLs for files stored locally. This is great for securely sharing files without exposing their actual paths.

Enabling Temporary URLs

First, ensure your local disk supports serving files:

'local' => [

    'driver' => 'local',

    'root' => storage_path('app'),

    'serve' => true,


Generating a Temporary URL

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

$url = Storage::temporaryUrl(

    'invoices/receipt.pdf', now()->addMinutes(15)


Blade's New "when" Helper

Writing conditional attributes in Blade just got easier! The when helper simplifies your templates by conditionally adding attributes.

How It Works

Instead of writing long conditional statements, you can do this:

<div {{ when($isActive, 'class=”active”') }}>

    <!-- Content here -->


If $isActive is true, the class="active" attribute is added. Otherwise, it's skipped. Simple and clean!

FirstOrFail in Query Builder

The query builder now has a firstOrFail method, similar to Eloquent's. This means you can fetch the first record or throw an exception if none is found.

$user = DB::table('users')->where('email', $email)->firstOrFail();

No more checking for null values—handle exceptions as needed.

Skip Middleware for Queued Jobs 

Need to skip a queued job based on certain conditions? The new Skip middleware lets you do just that without cluttering your handle method.

How It Works

Add the Skip middleware to your job:

use Illuminate\Queue\Middleware\Skip;

public function middleware()


    return [




protected function shouldSkip()


    // Your condition here

    return $this->attempts() > 3;


If shouldSkip() returns true, the job is skipped.

A Cleaner Way to Log 🧼

Logging is super important, but let’s be honest, the global info() method can feel a little... That’s why Laravel 11 now gives you a namespaced log function to keep your logging tidy and organized! 🙌


Now you can log with style by using the log() function in your custom namespace:

use function Illuminate\Log\log;

log('User has been successfully created.');

Wrapping Up

These new Laravel features are designed to make your development experience smoother and your applications faster. We can't wait to see what you'll build with them! Happy coding!

Meet the authors

We are a 200+ people agency and provide product design, software development, and creative growth marketing services to companies ranging from fresh startups to established enterprises. Our work has earned us 100+ international awards, partnerships with Laravel, Vue, Meta, and Google, and the title of Georgia’s agency of the year in 2019 and 2021.

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