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Laravel Pulse: 7 Features That Improve Your Development Workflow

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Laravel pulse

Laravel Pulse is one of the most helpful health and performance monitoring tools designed to help Laravel developers automate all the monitoring activities and identify critical issues with the applications before they impact the users. This open-source tool ensures applications run smoothly and is extremely helpful in maintaining a high-quality user experience and operational reliability.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the standout Laravel Pulse features and guide you through the step-by-step installation process. So, let’s get right in!

Laravel Pulse: What Are The Key Features?

Application Usage

Laravel pulse

This feature gives you the possibility to find users who make the most requests, have issues with the slowest endpoints and dispatch the most jobs in the application. That way, you can have a great overview of who overloads applications the most.

Slow Routes

Laravel pulse

Slow Routes helps you find route endpoints that take a lot of time to return a response with the route name and action method. It provides valuable insights for developers to optimize their performance.

Slow Jobs

Laravel pulse

Just like with routes, Laravel Pulse offers you the chance to locate jobs, which usually take the most processing time. You’ll also find a dedicated column to track the frequency of job failures.

Slow Queries

Laravel pulse

This section gives you the opportunity to find queries over a threshold. It displays raw SQL commands without bindings. You can check identical queries aggregates in one result and show the file location where it was executed.


Laravel pulse

This feature keeps track of all the exceptions thrown in the application. It helps you identify the type and frequency of exceptions, as well as when the most recent one occurred.


Laravel pulse

Laravel Pulse tracks all HTTP requests and provides information on the frequency of endpoint calls and their execution times.

Server Stats

Laravel pulse

In this section, we can check CPU, disk and memory usage. Even if we are using several servers, you can still monitor it in one place.

Laravel Pulse: Installation Process

Since Pulse is currently in beta, you’ll need to adjust your application’s composer.json file to allow beta package releases to be installed:

"minimum-stability": "beta",
"prefer-stable": true

After that, you can use the Composer package manager to install Pulse into your Laravel project:

composer require laravel/pulse

Then, you should publish the Pulse configuration and migration files using the Artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Pulse\PulseServiceProvider"

And finally, you should run the migrate command in order to create the tables needed to store Pulse’s data:

php artisan migrate

Once Pulse’s database migrations have been run, you can access the Pulse dashboard via the /pulse route.

Most Pulse recorders will automatically capture entries based on framework events dispatched by Laravel. However, the servers recorder and some third-party cards must poll for information regularly. To use these cards, you should run the pulse:check daemon on all of your individual application servers:

php artisan pulse:check

The Pulse dashboard can be accessed via the /pulse route. By default, you will only be able to access this dashboard in the local environment, so you will need to configure authorization for your production environments by customizing the ‘viewPulse’ authorization gate. You can accomplish this within your application’s app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php file:

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate;
* Register any authentication / authorization services.
public function boot(): void
   Gate::define('viewPulse', function (User $user) {
       return $user->isAdmin();
   // ...

The Laravel community is also actively engaged in creating custom cards to make the dashboard even more user-friendly.

Laravel Pulse: What Else To Take Into Account?

Laravel developers can maximize application performance and communicate team priorities to team members using the information gathered from monitoring. It’s also essential for developers to keep an eye on the routine Laravel Pulse dashboard in order to stay up to date on application status and avoid missing any key information. Setting up alerting methods, such as connecting Laravel Pulse to email or Slack, is one of the most efficient ways to use it. This will guarantee that team members will respond quickly to possible problems. Laravel Pulse is an excellent tool for reviewing past incidents and refining approaches to related problems.

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