6 min read

Let’s Recap Our Last Bootcamp

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Last Bootcamp

The demand for developers is growing exponentially. While the academic programs are widely available, practical and extensive short courses seem to be more effective in equipping young developers with the right skills to tackle real, challenging projects. This is why Redberry has crafted an intensive and, most importantly, practical 4-month-long Bootcamp to train beginner developers and prepare them for a career in development. Our first open-call program was based on Laravel/React.

Given how successful the first intake was, we are now re-launching the program. This time, we will be enrolling students in two separate Bootcamp programs for Laravel and React and doubling the intake number. Like in the first intake, the participants will get a chance to work closely with a mentor, develop projects specifically designed for an optimized learning curve, receive regular code reviews, access premium, and specially curated content, and get a hands-on experience with the whole software development lifecycle.

But how successful was the first intake really? Let’s see how our students’ expectations matched the reality of the program.

The Expectations of the Recruits VS the Reality

We interviewed the participants of the first Bootcamp to learn about their experiences. Here are some of their thoughts:

‘’It was my first job ever, so I did not even know what to expect from this program, and once it started, I got fascinated and positively surprised, this is the place where I always feel supported no matter what’’ - Giga Giorgadze.

‘’I applied for this training because I thought it was the opportunity for fast career growth, and eventually, I turned out to be right. I’ve heard before that there was a very chill work environment in Redberry, and it also came to be true.’’ - Vakho Chitauri.

‘’I was a little tense before starting this internship since it was my first job experience ever, and I was nervous, but then I soon felt loose from this tension when I started working with the Bootcamp team members. This Bootcamp gave me a lot of essential experience and knowledge, and I feel that I’m developing my skills each day. Redberry really helped me a lot, and this is why this period of my career life is definitely exceptional.’’ - Luka Khangoshvili.

‘’This Bootcamp program definitely justified my hopes and expectations. Each day during these four months was extremely productive, and this period taught me how to be efficient while working independently. I am no longer afraid of things I do not know yet because I’m sure I can handle almost anything on my own no matter what it might be.’’ - Tamar Gagniashvili.

‘’The flow of this training gave me a lot of opportunities and truly justified the hopes I had before applying. I extended my knowledge and learned a lot from the lectures of our mentors. I really did not know learning so much in such a short period was even possible. The team of Redberry is really doing everything to help you develop your skills.’’ - Dato Chanturia.

What Advice Do They Have for the New Recruits?

Our students had a few tips for those interested in the upcoming program during the interview.

‘’This Bootcamp campaign is 100% worth applying to as you have an opportunity to learn in a faster and easier way and develop your skills in a short amount of time.’’ - Luka Khangoshvili.

‘’I think all interns receive everything they need for their development and growth. I don’t think there is a place to learn these skills as comfortably as in Redberry, and this training program is a huge opportunity that definitely should not be missed. ‘’ - Tamar Gagniashvili.

‘’I would like to suggest to the new interns not to be afraid to ask as many questions as possible to learn how to solve different kinds of problems and develop their skills every day.

If you want to receive quality knowledge in the web development industry, one of the best places to start is definitely the Redberry Bootcamp program, which allows you to study both front-end and back-end programming. Therefore, if you are interested in this field, I do not believe there is a better spot for you in Georgia.’’ - Luka Chochua.

If you are interested in deepening your knowledge in development, you can read more about our Bootcamp program and the application process here.


Written by Keti Getiashvili

Based on an interview with Giga Giorgadze, Vakho Chitauri, Luka Chochua, Luka Khangoshvili, Tamar Gagniashvili, Dato Chanturia.

Meet the authors

We are a 200+ people agency and provide product design, software development, and creative growth marketing services to companies ranging from fresh startups to established enterprises. Our work has earned us 100+ international awards, partnerships with Laravel, Vue, Meta, and Google, and the title of Georgia’s agency of the year in 2019 and 2021.

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