9 min read

Freelancer vs. Agency: Why Agency Is The Way To Go

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Freelancer vs. Agency

When developing a digital product, companies are faced with a dilemma: should they hire a freelancer vs. agency to get the job done?

At first glance, freelancers may seem like a cost-effective, flexible choice, but when it comes to long-term professional results, agencies come out on top.

In this article, we'll look at all the key benefits agencies bring to the table, covering factors such as expertise, scalability, accountability, and trustworthiness. Whether you're a business owner or an individual looking to build a robust product, this article will help you understand why working with an agency is the way to go.

Why Freelancers Might Work Sometimes

Freelancer vs. Agency


One reason why companies tend to choose freelancers is that sometimes hiring a freelancer is can be a more cost-effective option than hiring a digital agency. Freelancers typically have lower overhead costs and charge less. Additionally, they often do not share their earnings with others and do not pay taxes, so you pay only for the specific project completed.

However, when it comes to pricing, while freelancers can offer lower hourly rates, outsourcing to an agency in regions like Eastern Europe can offer similar arbitrage in service prices while providing a wide range of benefits as a bonus.


Flexibility is another factor why some companies might choose freelancer vs. agency. This is mainly because freelancers are usually willing to adjust their working hours to meet the company's needs. Besides, they have more freedom in terms of where and when they work, as they are not restricted to a specific office or schedule.

On top of that, if a tech-savvy person is looking for a team member, they usually prefer to work directly with a developer without middle management, since direct collaboration allows for a more streamlined and efficient collaboration.

However, it's important to note some software agencies have recognized the appeal of direct collaboration and have adapted their engagement models to offer similar experiences to working with a freelancer. These agencies allow clients to work directly with developers or designers, bypassing middle management and streamlining the project process.

Making the Smart Move: Why a Software Development Agency is the Answer

Software Development Agency

With their expertise and cutting-edge solutions, a software agency can help bring your vision to life and take your business to new heights. So without further ado, let’s unleash the factors why choosing a reliable and reputable agency can be a wise decision for your software development needs.


When it comes to software development, expertise makes all the difference in the success of a project. A software agency comprises a team of developers with diverse skills and areas of expertise, ensuring that your project has access to a vast pool of talent and knowledge. This not only helps to ensure that your project is completed efficiently and effectively, but it also means that you have access to the best possible solutions for your specific needs.

So by choosing an agency, you can rest assured that your project will be in the hands of a team of experts with the knowledge and experience necessary to bring your vision to life.

Quality Control

in charge of quality control

When working with software development agencies, you can be assured that the quality of your project will be held to a high standard. This is because the agency has implemented comprehensive quality control processes that help to guarantee that the final product meets your requirements and exceeds your expectations. These processes often include regular check-ins, code reviews, and testing procedures to identify and resolve any issues before they become bigger problems.

This not only helps to ensure the timely delivery of your project, but it also reduces the likelihood of any costly mistakes or rework.


Communication is a critical component of a successful collaboration. When working with a software development agency, you can count on having dedicated project/account managers who are committed to ensuring effective communication between the development team and your company. They act as a mediator between the two parties, ensuring everyone is on the same page and that any questions or concerns are quickly addressed.

They also provide regular updates on the project's progress, ensuring that you are always in the loop and aware of any potential obstacles or delays. This level of communication helps to keep the project on track and reduces the likelihood of any misunderstandings or miscommunications that could slow down the project.


We mentioned that choosing a reliable and reputable agency can be a great choice for your product. And the keywords here are reliable and reputable. It usually takes years and a few dozen successful projects for an agency to build up its reputation and trustworthiness within a certain market. And when they take on new projects, there’s always the added pressure of upholding the reputation on which their business basically relies. In short, it is imperative for agencies to prioritize client satisfaction to maintain their credibility and trustworthiness.

Therefore, the level of accountability and responsibility is always pretty high when working with a reputable agency. And if there are any issues with the work produced, the agency will be more likely to go the extra mile to resolve them and ensure that your project is a success. This level of accountability provides a level of reassurance and peace of mind that is difficult to find when working with freelancers.

While freelancers face pressure to maintain a positive rating, relying solely on these evaluations may not be sufficient. Unlike agencies, there is no authoritative platform that verifies and rigorously checks freelancers' reviews, making it harder to trust their credibility.

The greatest examples of these types of trustworthy third-party platforms include Clutch and Goodfirms. This not only serves as a guarantee that your investment will be worthwhile, but it also provides a good insight into the agency's strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to determine whether they have the skills and expertise to deliver a project according to your business needs.

The Bottom Line

freelancer vs. agency

In conclusion, the decision of whether to hire a freelancer vs. agency for digital product development can be a challenging one for companies.

While freelancers may appear to be a cost-effective option, they often lack the expertise, scalability, and quality control processes that an agency provides. Agencies have a team of specialists who are well-versed in the latest technology trends and methodologies. They have the experience to tackle complex projects and ensure that the final product meets the desired specifications. 

Furthermore, agencies bring a whole new level of excellence to the table, which not only ensures a smooth and efficient completion of your project but also fosters an environment of trust and accountability that freelancers struggle to match. So if you want to guarantee the success of your digital product, choosing a software development agency is the way to go.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Choose an Agency Over a Freelancer?

One of the most important benefits of hiring an agency is that they bring a team of specialists with diverse skills and knowledge, providing a well-rounded approach to the project. While you may not hire an entire team, the specific professional that you work with still has access to their colleagues and their expertise. Additionally, agencies offer a higher level of trust and accountability, which is essential when it comes to delivering a professional product.

What Is The Difference Between the Freelancer vs. Agency model?

A freelancer is an individual who works independently and offers their services to clients on a project-by-project basis. They are usually self-employed and work on a flexible schedule. On the other hand, an agency is a company that provides software development services to clients. Agencies typically have a team of professionals working together to deliver projects, including developers, designers, and project managers.


Written by Keti Getiashvili

Meet the authors

We are a 200+ people agency and provide product design, software development, and creative growth marketing services to companies ranging from fresh startups to established enterprises. Our work has earned us 100+ international awards, partnerships with Laravel, Vue, Meta, and Google, and the title of Georgia’s agency of the year in 2019 and 2021.

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